Monday, May 3, 2010

Vanilla Cupcakes

Essie nail polish in Chinchilly

I, once again, pulled out More From Magnolia over the weekend and made the vanilla cupcakes for Erik's birthday (stay tuned for pictures from his party). This recipe is fairly easy with few ingredients and they taste delicious. Gabe had to work and didn't make it to the party, so I set a few cupcakes aside for him. He truly enjoyed them as the pictures show.


Anonymous said...

Those look delicious!

Nikki said...

Yum! They look fantastic! I really want to try making these at some point!


Gabriel said...

Damn! Those are some good cupcakes!

Diana Mieczan said...

Good job! Those look yummy..I love love love cupcakes!
Have a great Monday!

California Wife said...

Yummmm, those look delicious!

Same Sweet Girl: Memoir of a Southern Belle said...

YUMMM!!!! Those look sooo good right now!! I could eat like 10 of them!!!

I love your nail polish! Is that Over the Taupe??

Anonymous said...

Oh man, these look DELISH! I'm so hungry for cupcakes!

Melanie @Unravelled Threads
Don't forget to enter my custom elastic waistband skirt giveaway!

erica said...

Yum! Those cupcakes look delish! Love your polish color!


Josie said...

These look DELICIOUS! And I absolutely love your gray nail polish!
xxoo Josie

MaryBeth Houlihan said...

yum--i love vanilla cupcakes (and your nail polish and red vines). looks like we already have a ton in common. glad i found you!

hiyaluv said...

I love love love cupcakes!!! your nails looks awesome too! what color is that? :)smiles, gina

Ps-thanks for stopping by my blog! if you get a chance, stop by again and enter my GIVEAWAY! (same goes for your readers! anyone is welcome!)

Lindsay With An "A" said...

I am craving cupcakes now...and before lunch! Great ;) ha Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving such a kind comment. I truly appreciate it and have enjoyed reading your blog!

Marcie said...

These look delish. My favorite is the picture of the batter. :)


Cafe Fashionista said...

Yum yum! Vanilla cupcakes are my favorite. Though, to be completely honest, they rarely make it to cupcake form in my house - I have a tendency of eating the batter!! :)

Alicia Lund said...

yum, vanilla cupcakes!!! and cute nail polish too :)

Jessica said...

they look tasty! wish i could bake....<3

MaryWhitney said...

Awee honey thanks for your comment one more time :D . Im loving your nail polish sooooo much *-* That cupcakes are looking tasty nhamii @
Much Love MaryWhitney


EmmaDee said...

Hii... thank you soo much for ur sweet comment!!!! Just had a look at ur blog..its really cute.... and oh my goodness these cupcakes look A-MAAAAZING
this is really bad for my diet haha!!
thanks again for ur comment!!


Jenny said...

i love cup cakes!!!!

Lisa - respect the shoes said...

Your cup cakes look deliciously lovely. And what is that gorgeous nail color you've got on?!

Marie said...

<3 cupcakes!:D
...and everything girly under the sun!

Louise (Fifth Sparrow) said...

oh I've always wanted that book! I'm guessing it is worth buying it, those cupcakes look great! xx

hayley said...

thanks so much for the sweet comment! I love your blog! I am now following :) these cupcakes look amazing! I love the Magnolia bakery cookbooks!! I have been to the real bakery and the cupcakes are divine


Anonymous said...

oh God, those photos made me hungry! LOL
and cool nail polish color! i've been looking for a gray one like that, but haven't had any luck yet.

Jules said...

Just found your blog and love it! Those cupcakes look delicious. Yum :)

Bren said...

Mmmmm! They look so yummy! When I first got my pink Kitchen Aid mixer, I baked cupcakes like every week! This went on for a while, until my family said NO MORE! (I had to give them to someone) LOL! Loving your polish too Valerie!

Mandy said...

Those cupcakes look divine! I am definitely craving some cupcakes now...

Roxy Te said...

Hey nice nail polish. Chanel or Sally? And those cupcakes look so tasty!