

From a very early age I can remember my parents telling me to "count my blessings". At the time I didn't quite understand what that meant, and would begin counting on my fingers all the items I loved in my toy chest. Over the years, I've learned the meaning behind counting my blessings and feeling thankful for all that I was given in life. I try to feel gratitude every day, instead of just at Thanksgiving, but this holiday is always the perfect reminder and puts everything into perspective. These are just a few of the things for which I'm eternally thankful.
-my family, who loves me unconditionally and always has my best interest in mind
-my husband, who laughs at my jokes, listens to my feelings, loves wholeheartedly, and constantly exemplifies kindness
-my health and ability to be active (same goes for my loved ones)
-overall abundance (love, happiness, hugs, food, etc)
-new experiences and adventures
-dessert (sometimes it's the little things)
For what are you thankful this year?