Thursday, October 7, 2010

October Traditions

October has long been one of my favorite months for many reasons. I love the color of the changing leaves, the brisk Fall weather, and the feeling that the holidays are imminent. For me, the holidays are filled with family, friends, and traditions that make me look forward to these months throughout the entire year. These are a few of the best parts of October, in my opinion.

trips to the pumpkin patch with Gabe
carving pumpkins and roasting the seeds
eating fun size Halloween candy until I feel sick
It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown
drinking hot apple cider and pumpkin spiced lattes
watching scary movies
starting my Christmas list (for me and what to buy for others)
baking pumpkin desserts
crock pot meals (aka soups and chili)

What are your favorite October traditions?


this free bird said...

I'm still up because I slept today and now I'm staring at the four walls.

I'm with you. October really kicks off the Holiday season and begins the fun.

My favorite traditions include:
-all those mini Halloween candies that I think aren't much but are basically the equivalent of eating 70000 chocolate bars, gummy worms, etc.
-new tea selections at coffee bean (nerdalert!)
-starting my Christmas shopping
-"sampling" cheesecake recipes
-apple turnovers! (or nutella maybe)
-decorating outside for Halloween
-and Charlie Brown (my hero!!)

This is a rad post!!


Anonymous said...

Love buying pumpkins and mums to sit out in front of our house - need to do that, I'm behind on fall! I love Halloween and trick-or-treaters but we dont seem to get many even being in the house now, so I've held out on buying Halloween candy - for now. We just always end up with way too much and I'm forced to eat it. It's horrible. Well I love it but horrible for me and the scale anyway.

Collette Osuna said...

I LOVE October season....cooler temps....sweaters!!! lol
Great pics!!

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annelise said...

I've always been jealous of you guys and Halloween :) It sounds like so much fun! I love jack o' lanterns, so cute.

Chas said...

Love the Halloween candy and the pumpkin spiced lattes!

Unknown said...

pumpkin spiced lattes YUM! - i always tell them HALF the amount of pumps and no whipped cream - and then i'm gooood to go! .. by me they have this lake up in the mountains and after halloween all tghe kids and families put a candle in the pumpkins and you put in the lake and you "light up the lake" it's SUPER cute!

PS PASS IT ON! --> GIVE-AWAY going on NOW! - 2 necklaces = 2 winners!

*kiss kiss*
Erika @ ~Tiptoe Butterfly~

Lisa Lisa Lisa said...

Hot apple cidar!!! Yum yum.

And I don't much like candy corn, but I love the pumpkins (which is essentially candy corn super sized).

Such a sweet post. I looked into the Pumpkin Spiced Latte's nutritional information and it actually is pretty good for you.

Legs said...

This makes me VERY happy. :D

Unknown said...

i love making soups and anything pumpkin! i LOVE fall...wish it lasted longer and that winter didn't follow :)

xx a j

Anonymous said...

I'm getting really excited! I was with a good friend of mine today and we said we'd carve pumpkins together with the kids... it will get rather messy but I just know they (I) will enjoy it!

Lindsay said...

I love the brisk air, warm drinks, leaves changing color, and family! :) These photos you posted make me happy :)

PursuitOfLLT said...

I love all things Fall but the thing about Halloween candy is that I eat 12 fun sized thinking it's okay. It's not haha

Nikki said...

Aw You just reminded me of so many Halloween/October traditions I love!!
My mission for today is to find the perfect pumpkin for our place, and buy some pumpkin for baking :)


Gabriel said...

Its funny how we always have Halloween candy, but no trick-or-treaters, yet the candy still ends up disappearing...Valerie? Pumpkin carving and scary movies, that's good stuff.

Jaime @ laviejaime said...

I need my first pumpkin spice latte of the season! Not a fan of candy corn but i love all other Halloween candy!

k said...

Loved this!!! A huge one of mine is hot apple cider with caramel in it - me and marks favorite thing :)

Jamie said...

I agree, I love October! I love every single thing on your list in fact. Sadly I have been on pumpkin spice lattes and discovered that my ever so sensitive digestive system does not like the syrup. :-/ SO..I am on a mish to go find actual pumpkin spice at the grocery store so I can try to make them at home! I need my fix!!

Amanda @ Life with A.Co said...

Yes! These are probably the exact same traditions I have too (especially the crock pot one, and that doesn't seem as common to me! :P).

Are you going to a Halloween party this year? Giving out candy? Dressing up?

A.Co @ A.Co est. 1984

Annie said...

Yes! I love your list! Fall is the best :) We need to go pumpkin picking asap!!!

Marcie said...

Love this post, Val. Visiting the pumpkin patch and stocking up on gords and pumpkins is my favorite by bar! I already have the flannel shirt picked out that I am wearing. I just hope the weather is foggy and cold. We are set to go on Sunday and I can't wait!!

I am right there with you on the holiday being around the corner. I like to start my holiday high in October and it lasts for the next three months. :)

xo M

Diana Mieczan said...

I am totally with you on that..I love carving pumpkins and each year Balazs and I try to find new and fun designs:)...Happy October,sweetie
I am so excited for this season:)

Kayla said...

The pumpkin patch is definitely on my list. Trick or treaters, the fabulous perfect month of weather in Texas. October is my favorite month!

Ramblings of a Small Town Girl


I love it all! It's one of my favorite months too. Definitely Halloween candy, Pumpkin picking and making pies, drinking apple cider, cooking, caramel apples,and the return of hockey. Couldn't get any better in my book :)

Amber said...

Can I tell you about my love for the crockpot? I mean it has got to be the best invention since the wheel

torrie said...

Seriously- all of these!!

With an added chili-night tradition on Halloween @ our house... after trick-or-treating:).

Oh, and sneaking into the kids' candy bags while they're away at school to get a few "good" treats!

Last year, I had my shopping done in September; this year? So not there.

Gorgeous Glam said...

This month is my favorite, it starts off all the festivities! My birthday is this month, carmel apples, pumpkins, pretty leaves on the ground, pumpkin patches and hot apple cider!
Baking treats and decorating and of course parties! xo

Louise said...

Salted caramel hot chocolate, homemade pumpkin custard, hot soup, chilly walks, bundled up in scarves, orange and green landscapes!

Ah, fall. How I love thee.

Pearls & Politics said...

ooh I love all of these traditions!
Especially the Starbucks one :)

Miss Jones said...

christmas shopping!!! yay! I love lighting candles when my baby boy is sound asleep, making a hot chocolate and sniggling with a blanket : D xxx

Miss Jones said...

hmm i was supposed to say snuggling!

Leeann @ Join the Gossip said...

I LOVE Halloween! And fall! It's my fav time of year! I just wish we had real falls here in LA. I like going to Oak Glenn. You ever been? Apple picking (if it's early enough in the season) and changing colors! So beautiful.

And of course Knotts Scary Farm - which i am doing tonight :)

Mandy said...

Aw, there is nothing like It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown. I've watched it every year since I was like 6. Every year I go on a haunted hayride and pumpkin carving at a local bar with some friends.

J. said...

Mmmmm I could go for a pumpkin spice latte right now. Little things like these are the reason I love fall so much!

Jess said...

I am definitely in need of a good pumpkin patch trip - thanks for reminding me. And also for reminding me of my crock pot. I got one for a wedding present but really haven't used it yet. Have any good recipes?!


Josie said...

I love October! Changing leaves, fall break, Thanksgiving food, new boots, and lots of baking -- what's not to like?
xo Josie

Ashley said...

Now that I have kids, we hit different pumpkin patches every weekend in Oct. They are so fun! Love all your traditions, we have the same ones!

georgia ~ gi gi said...

Hey Valerie Girl! Oh yes October is the best!
Love your list, so much fun!
I use to start Christmas shopping early, but then I couldn't wait that long to give the gifts! I am worse than a kid!
I hope to take the girls to the Pumpkin Patch next week!
gi gi

Gabby / Gypsy*Diaries said...

I just had the BEST pumpkin soup with goat cheese ever yesterday and I'm planning on eating that every day for the rest of the month! :)
Happy Weekend!

Poppies and Sunshine said...

I love all of these things! Pumpkin spice lattes, carving pumpkins, watching The Nightmare Before Christmas...some of my favorite October traditions!

Oh, My Darling said...

Oooh everything about this post fills me with glee! Hooray autumn!

Anna @ IHOD said...

Trips to the pumpkin patch with my Gabes is also on the top of the list.
Baking all things festive, fall fashion, pumpkin deco contest, etc.

These pics are only inspiring me to do more ! :D

erica said...

I definitely need to get out my crockpot and start trying some new meals! Autumn is my favorite!


ChinkyGirLMeL said...

I love the month of October too. My mom's birthday is in October. I love Halloween and yes getting on that sugar high till I go into a sugary comatose. Hehehehe.. And it's that time of the year where all I want to eat is everything pumpking, pumpkin pie, pumpkin soup, pumpking choco chip cookies. yum!