Thursday, August 5, 2010

Artichoke Pesto Penne

I served it with a fresh garden tomato Caprese salad.

What would I do without my food processor?

Served with whole wheat garlic bread

I blame the consistently gloomy summer we're having for my recent daily pasta cravings. Over the weekend, my mom and I had a girls night in with dinner, wine, and a movie. It was the perfect way to spend a Saturday night and my first attempt at making pesto. This recipe uses Italian parsley and artichoke hearts instead of basil, which made it more mild than other pesto recipes. It was easy to make and tasted incredible. I substituted brown rice pasta and added shrimp and we absolutely loved it. What do you crave when it's gloomy outside?

Artichoke Pesto on Wagon Wheels (Giada De Laurentiis)
1 pound wagon wheels pasta (recommended: Barilla)
1 (8-ounce) pack of frozen artichoke hearts, thawed
1 cup fresh parsley leaves, packed down
1/2 cup chopped toasted walnuts
Zest and juice of 1 lemon
1 clove garlic
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
3/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil
2/3 cup grated Parmesan

Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil over high heat. Add the pasta and cook until tender but still firm to the bite, stirring occasionally, about 8 to 10 minutes. Drain pasta, reserving 1/2 cup of the pasta cooking water.
Meanwhile, in a food processor combine the artichokes, parsley, walnuts, lemon zest and juice, garlic, salt, and pepper. Run the machine to finely chop all the ingredients, stopping the machine a few times to scrape down the sides. Then, with the machine running, drizzle in olive oil. Transfer the artichoke mixture into a large serving bowl. Stir in the cheese. Add the warm pasta and toss to combine. If needed, add the reserved pasta water 1/4 cup at a time to moisten the pasta and create a sauce-like consistency. Serve.


Diana Mieczan said...

I crave pasta and soups lately as its coolish outside...Your pasta dish looks amazing and I will have to make it today for dinner:) Yummy..sweetie...You have the best food recipes:)


Ps: I hope you had a chance to enter my GIVEAWAY…

Anonymous said...

That looks so good!

Anonymous said...

Oh yum! This is very different, I hardly ever cook artichoke... But I looove pasta!

Lisa - respect the shoes said...

That looks so good - it may have to be another recipe that I recreate!

Unknown said...

that looks a-mazing, thanks for sharing! caprese salad is my favorite thing in the world

Same Sweet Girl: Memoir of a Southern Belle said...

Oh that sounds and looks delicious!!!!! I crave pasta when it's gloomy too. Ususally mac and cheese!

Becca [Free Honey] said...

The pesto sounds delicious. I love anything with artichoke in it. Also, I think my kitchen is in serious need of a food processor! I'd live to be able to make homemade pesto!

Julie Leah said...

Yummy yummy!! That looks delicious!! And that salad!! Mmmmmmmm

jayme said...

maybe we should just start a restaurant or something because i'm loving all of your food recommendations! can't wait to try this too...with smores as a dessert!! xo

Jaime @ laviejaime said...

Looks yum! Despite the fact that I really never cook, and when I do, I don't cook well, I kinda want a food processor!

shopgirl said...

This looks delicious! I would never have thought to use artichokes for the sauce. Great idea!

p.s. sweet blog! I'm now a follower of Red Vines for Breakfast!

Rambles with Reese

Nikki said...

Your pesto looks spectacular! I'm going to try your recipe because it look straightforward and your photos are gorgeous!


Jamie said...

This looks amazing! For us gluten intolerant people they have brown rice penne at Trader Joe's that is SOO good! I am totally going to make this!!

Krysten @ Why Girls Are Weird said...

Mmmm yummy, looks good!

Nicole Marie said...

i dont like pesto that much but this looks delicious!!

Cafe Fashionista said...

So this looks absolutely amazing. I desperately want this right now!! :)

PursuitOfLLT said...

that looks so so good.

I love anything Italian, I swear! As for comfort food, I blame Chicago winters when my jeans get tight haha because I crave baked anything. Baked pasta, casseroles, bread. Anything warm. And therefore anything chock-full of carbs. Plus who wants to go to the yoga studio or gym when it's 12 degrees out? Oh, the dilemma!


YUMMM!!! I am so going to give this a shot. Just delish!

Gabriel said...

It was so good! Your cooking just keeps getting more and more delicious.

Anonymous said...

This looks awesome. You should check out my new blog at

It's mostly my writing/photography/cooking.
I haven't uploaded the photos from last night's meal yet, but as soon as I get home from work they'll be up there. (I know, blogging at work. Aren't I horrible?)


Marcie said...

You know, I never use my food processor, but it looks like such a great way to make pasta sauce! I am in SF this summer, so I can totally relate to the cold weather pasta cravings.

xo M

Lila said...

I love Giada and usually crave her food. Your pasta looks absolutely yummy and with Artichokes? hmmm will have to try.

Erica said...

OMG! This looks super delicious! Great job ; )

torrie said...

Seriously, I'm making this tonight. We have all of the ingredients (and TONS of basil in our garden!!) and I am getting ready for a couple of Hailey's friends to come over- so dinner has not been thought of at all. Thanks for the idea!

STYLE'N said...

I am printing this right now Valerie! I have compiled a list of recipes from bloggers...I think we could make our own cookbook!

Ms. Emmy N said...

Oh my goodness, that looks absolutely delicious!! I have the magic bullet but never ever use it, this is the perfect excuse! Thanks for sharing the recipe!

Lindsay said...

You amaze me! I want to come to your house for dinner! :)

torrie said...

I don't know why, but not until just now, it hit me that you said that the recipe didn't call for basil! That's okay... a little (or a lot) of basil squeezed into the processor can't hurt, right?? :)

California Wife said...

YUM, this is sounds delicious!!!

House of Design & Style said...

WOW, you are quite the chef! It looks delish doll!

Gina said...

that pesto looks sooo gooood, maybe i could give it a try! & i saw the lace skirts too, too bad about my pledge to not nuy anything for the rest of august. mmaybe mt bf will buy it for me, that doesn't count right? ;)

Alicia Lund said...

mmm, this sounds sooo good! i love pesto!

Mandy said...

I crave pasta all the time, and I'm always looking for new recipes :) Looks amazing!

k said...

this looks SO good...I need a food processor!

stylenuggets said...

I love pesto. A great way to eat healthy and well

this free bird said...

so basically i now want caprese like no other. valerie i need to master gluten-free french bread so i can use your pesto sauce on chicken pesto sandwiches.

perfect. i'm starving now!! oooohhhh foooood!!


Anonymous said...

Oh my that looks sooo yummy! love the pasta!

Unknown said...

This recipe looks very tasty! And I love ur blouse in the last post! Beautiful shade of pink! U look great!

Elle said...

This looks delish! I love pesto.. now if I only had a food processor!

Alexandra said...

Yum yum yum! I keep forgetting that my parents gave me an extra food processor that they had a while ago, and I LOVE pesto, so I'm totally going to have to try this out!

georgia ~ gi gi said...

Sorry it has been gloomy there! I love pesto! Yours looks awesome, when Jeremy comes to see me next week I think I will try to make this for him!
Wish me luck, he he!
gi gi

Josie said...

Oooh, this looks CRAZY delicious. I always crave Kraft macaroni and cheese and chocolate chip cookies when it's raining. It's ridiculous.
xo Josie